The Charter of the Hartford Ski Club Incorporated

This is a reproduction of the text of the charter of the Hartford Ski Club, Incorporated as recorded with the Connecticut Secretary of State, November 20, 1940.


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		Be it known, That we, the subscribers do hereby associate
	ourselves as a body politic and corporate, pursuant to the stat-
	ute laws of the State of Connecticut regulating the formation 
	and organization of corporations without capital stock, and the
	following are our articles of association:
		Article 1.  The name of said corporation shall be The 
	Hartford Ski Club, Incorporated.
		Article 2.  The purpose for which said corporation is
	formed are the following, to wit:  To foster interest in recrea-
	tional and competitive skiing and particularly to promote the
	development and improvement of skiing technique among its members.
		Article 3.  The said corporation is located in the Town of
	West Hartford, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut and
	the location of the principal office is at Freja Hall, 119-121
	Park Road and the name of the agent upon whom process may be
	served is Herbert I. Trask, Attorney at Law, 700 Main Street,
	Hartford, Connecticut.
		Article 4.  The by-laws of said corporation are to be
	formulated and adopted by the subscribers below following ap-
	proval of this certificate by the Secretary of State.
	Dated at West Hartford Conn this 18th day of November 1940.
			/s/ Herbert I. Trask		
			/s/ David E. Duffy		
			/s/ Barbara L. Shaw		
			/s/ Ellsworth S. Newberry	
			/s/ Stephen E. Butterfield	
			/s/ Frances T. Fenn, Jr.	
			/s/ Jane M. Bacon		
			/s/ Mabel E. Cody		
			/s/ L. A. Woolley 		
			/s/ Ralph H. Maglathin		
	State of Connecticut    )
				) ss.  West Hartford, November 18, 1940
	County of Hartford      )
	Then and there personally appeared Herbert I. Trask, 
	David E. Duffy, Barbara L. Shaw, Ellsworth S. Newberry,
	Stephen E. Butterfield, Francis T. Fenn, Jr., Jane M. Bacon,
	Mabel E. Cody, L. A. Woolley and Ralph H. Maglathin,
	signers of the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the 
	same to be their free act and deed, before me.
					/s/ James F. Brennan	
					Notary Public
	CHARTER FEE, $15.00
	PAID, NOVEMBER 20, 1940.

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